Special Exhibition


「匠の世界 -木工芸家・中䑓瑞真と彫金家・服部雅永-





English Information

中䑓なかだい瑞真ずいしん (1912~2002)


服部はっとり雅永まさなが (1918~2005)


未来に伝えよう!みなと遺産 新指定文化財展(令和2年度)


建造物  ・旧畠山一清邸 翠庵・明月軒・沙那庵・浄楽亭・毘沙門堂(5棟)
歴史資料 ・東禅寺事件銀製メダル及び江幡家文書(32点)




■会期中休館日 1月21日(木)・2月18日(木)・3月18日(木)






大人 小・中・高校生
一般 団体 一般 団体
企画展のみ 200円 160円 100円 80円
常設展のみ 300円 240円 100円 80円
セット券 400円 320円 100円 80円

※ 団体料金は10名以上で適用となります。
※ 区内在住・在学の小・中・高校生、区内在住の65歳以上の方、区内在住の障害者の方およびその介助者(1名)の観覧料は無料(証明ができるものをご持参ください)




  • 日時:2月21日(日) 午後1時~4時
  • 講師:当館学芸員
  • 対象:小学3年生以上 ※小学生は保護者同伴
  • 定員:15名
  • 参加費:企画展観覧料が必要です
  • 申込方法:1月5日(火)から先着順で電話申込受付



  • 日時:1月30日(土)・2月13日(土) 午後1時30分~3時
  • 対象:小学4年生以上
  • 定員:20名
  • 材料費:500円
  • 申込方法:1月5日(火)から先着順で電話申込受付



  • 日時:3月13日(土) 午後1時30分~3時30分
  • 対象:小学4年生以上
  • 定員:16名
  • 材料費:500円
  • 申込方法:2月20日(土)から先着順で電話申込受付

Minato City Local History Museum
Special Exhibition

The World of Japanese Master Craftsmanship
Woodworking artist Nakadai Zuishin (1912 - 2002)
Metal engraving artist Hattori Masanaga (1918 - 2005)

Saturday, January 16 - Sunday, March 21, 2021

Since ancient times, humans have been using the country's natural resources to craft, which has brought better living standards and cultural richness to Japan. The skills developed here have fostered a unique culture, and colored the history of each era. This craftsmanship has been developed through to modern times, and has become our traditional handcraft.
Minato City is no exception, and various local craftspeople have honed their skills and handed down their traditional handcraft through generations. At this exhibition, we introduce artwork from two of them, Nakadai Zuishin (1912 - 2002) and Hattori Masanaga (1918 - 2005). Nakadai Zuishin was a woodworking artist, the "Holder of an Important Intangible Cultural Property", a title more commonly known as living national treasure, and an honorary citizen of Minato City. Hattori Masanaga was a metal engraving artist and the "Holder of a Minato City Designated Intangible Cultural Asset".

Nakadai Zuishin (1912 - 2002)

Nakadai was born in Chiba Prefecture. At the age of 13, he became an apprentice to a cabinetry artist, Takeuchi Fuzan, and learned techniques of woodworking related to the Japanese tea ceremony. In 1933, at the age of 23, he started his own business at Nishikubo tomoe-cho (now Toranomon 3-chome), Minato City, and learned the rules and manners of the tea ceremony from Tanaka Sensho. In his earliest career, he made tea utensils such as shelves used to display the utensils during a tea ceremony, but aspiringly came to focus on kurimono, or hollowed out objects, afterwards. From 1962, he won awards at the Japan Traditional Kōgei -Art Crafts- Exhibition, and was appointed to the jury of the Exhibition, a director of Japan Kōgei Association, and Chairman of the subcommittee specialized in woodwork and bamboowork at Japan Kōgei Association. In 1984, he was recognized as the "Holder of an Important Intangible Cultural Property, Woodwork," a title more commonly known as living national treasure. Three years later, in 1987, he received the Minato City Government Meritorious Service Award, and was also given the Minato City Honorary Citizens' Award in 1997.

Hattori Masanaga (1918 - 2005)

Hattori was born in Toranomon 1-Chome, Minato City, as a son of Hattori Minraku, a metal engraving artist of the Yokoya school. As Minraku suddenly passed away in 1932, Hattori learned metal engraving from Ameya Yumin who lived in Takanawa. In 1938, he started his own business at the age of 20 and was active from 1950 onwards, participating in various exhibitions including the Sankikai Exhibition. Until his later years, he dedicated himself to working on samurai sword fittings, and accessories innovating on traditional techniques. Simultaneously, he created framed metal carving by embossing picturesque images in silver on copper sheets and established his own style, in which he pursued his own form of pure beauty. He won many awards including the "Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Encouragement Award" and was given the "Yellow Ribbon Medal of Honor" from the Emperor in 1962. He was also recognized as the "Holder of a Minato City Designated Intangible Cultural Asset" in 1992.

Minato City Designated Cultural Assets Exhibition 2020
Preserving Minato Heritage for Future Generations

Structure : Former residence of Issei Hatakeyama
Historical materials : Tozenji Temple affair medal, Ebata family documents / Koyokan documents

Event outline

[Dates] Saturday, January 16 - Sunday, March 21, 2021
■Closed: January 21[Thu] , February 18[Thu] and March 18[Thu]

[Venue] Special Exhibition Area

9am-5pm on Mon-Fri, Sun, and national holidays
9am-8pm on Sat
*The ticket booth is open daily from 9am-4:30pm and until 7:30pm on Saturdays.

Adults(18yrs +) : 200yen
Students (Elementary, Junior high and High school) :100yen
*Fee Exempt : Students(aged 6-18), seniors aged(65yrs+) , and visitors with disabilities(+1 caregiver) who reside Minato City. Presentation of ID is required.

Due to on-going conditions surrounding COVID 19:
・Admission to the galleries may be restricted to maintain social distancing.
・The exhibition schedule is subject to change.
